Primer paso, tener instalado y configurado la red, para poder descargar los paquetes.
hacemos un:
#pkg_add -r gnome-session
Empezara a descargar los paquetes necesarios para tener instalado el gnome, al final de la instalacion te saldra una serie de notas.
gnome-session-2.20.3p11: complete
--- dbus-1.0.2p5 -------------------
To start systemwide message dbus daemon whenever the machine boots,
add the following lines to /etc/rc.local:
if [ -x /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon ]; then
install -d -o _dbus -g _dbus /var/run/dbus
echo -n ' dbus'; /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --system
--- gdm-2.20.2p6 -------------------
To enable the GNOME Display Manager, add the following lines to the
/etc/rc.local file:
if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/gdm ]; then
echo -n ' gdm'; /usr/local/sbin/gdm
--- gnome-menus-2.20.3p2 -------------------
To use the GNOME layout as default for the applications menu, as root:
ln -sf /etc/xdg/menus/gnome-applications.menu \
--- libnotify-0.4.4p3 -------------------
If you want to use popup notifications, you'll have to install a
notification daemon for D-BUS, either notification-daemon or
Hacemos las tareas descritas.
Con ello hacemos que al iniciar OpenBSD nos muestre el GDM (una ventanita para loguearnos)

Seleccionamos gnome desktop

Y listo, ya tenemos gnome

Empezamos a personalizar nuestro desktop.
2 comentarios:
Amigo... sou do Brasil... instalei o OpenBSD 4.7, tentei instalar pelo seu sistema, tentei instalar pelo ports e nada funcionou!!!
Oq faço? :<
Entao vou preparar um tutorial com nova version OpenBSD 4.7
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